Refunds & Exchanges

Refund, Exchanges and Shipping Policies

We want you to love everything you've received! If you are not completely satisfied, we accept returns for products within 30 days of delivery.

Please note that books purchased on Amazon or courses purchased through have their own policies and you can review them on their respective sites.

Please also note that if you order a mug, a blue sweatshirt, or a pink sweatshirt, that will be coming in a different package than your other items! 


Any products that were damaged via transit to you will be replaced at no cost to you.

If you would like to exchange items that are in perfect condition, but you want to swap the color/style - this can be completed, but will be subject to a $11 handling fee.

We cannot accommodate exchanges for products that were damaged after you received them. 


Domestic orders must be postmarked within 30 days of your order delivery date for a refund, exchange, or store credit. Please contact us at and we will provide you with a shipping label - but domestic returns will be subject to a $11 handling fee, which will be deducted from your refund. Please see below for international shipping and returns. 

We do not accept returns for products that were damaged after you received them. 

International Shipping & Returns:

We ship from the US. International orders and returns are accepted, but all shipping fees and any reverse duties are the responsibility of the customer. You will be paying whatever shipping rates are from the US to the country you live in, and vice versa. 

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